Filling In The Gap

___The_Door_to_the_Universe____by_greenfeedWhat would you bring forward if there was nothing standing in the way of your vision?  And how would you go about “filling in that space in-between the magic of your imagination and your reality?

We have all been given the greatest gift of all…the magnificent gift of life.  So, how do we unwrap this incredible package to reveal the most beauty from its very dynamic essence?

Most of us did not think of our lives as being gifted to us.  We were simply birthed into our existence with a subconscious existence (for the most part) with much to learn.  We began our journey as children profoundly in awe of everything around us and with the complete absence of fear.  That is until we became naturally conditioned to the ways of the world and in particularly our immediate surroundings.  And so the journey of our ever expanding life begins.

Up to this point in our lives, we have lived through many experiences that have made us into the people we are today.  And for this, we are encouraged to be immensely grateful, for everything along our path has made a significant difference to our spiritual evolution.  Although we may not have understood what those significant differences were especially during our most challenging times, we may have come to a deeper understanding of why we experienced them simply because of the wisdom we may have gleaned from them.  And because of those experiences, many of us have taken complete responsibility for our lives today, clearly because the way we handled things before were not working for us. 

Perhaps we were inspired by someone or something that moved us so profoundly that it caused us to think more seriously about making some important changes. Maybe it was something we experienced along the way that was so painful that it brought us literally to our knees.  However this shift happened, coming to this point along our journey is a beautiful and powerful realization of our Divinity, for this is where we begin to fill in the gap with all the things that appear to have been missing.  This is where we begin to understand that it was not only that “something” that brought us to our knees, it was all of our challenges that culminated into its final stages as a catalyst for change.  This “something” merely served to get our attention…our Divine attention. 

hands_worldYes, our Divine Attention.  For we are Divine…the greater “I Am” that exists within each and every one of us as our Higher Self or the Higher Consciousness of our beingness.  We have grown to live within our experiences from our “I-ness” of who we are, which some may refer to as the Ego Self.  From this perspective, our “I-ness” (Ego Self) serves to help us understand our true nature through our physical experiences, and inspiring us to merge with our “I Am…ness” as one continuous flow of Divine Energy.  And when we are open to this Divine Flow, we will be guided even more profoundly through our Authentic Soulful and Spiritual Nature.  We are in essence living from the inside out and from the outside in.

Learning to accept all that we are is the first step into merging with our Higher Self (our “I Am”).  This means not denying any part of who we are or how we may have expressed ourselves in our past, and how we are expressing ourselves today. The truth from this perspective is that who we think we are is merely a perception of who we are.  We are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience, so who we are is much greater than what we may see through our physical perception.  We are however invited to consider that it is through our physical nature that our spiritual nature is revealed…through our physical experiences as previously mentioned.

This is why we are encouraged to fully accept, honor, respect, and be grateful for our physical bodies, our feelings, our emotions, and everything else in-between.  It is only through our acceptance that we are able to gently let go of those things that no longer serve our well-being such as the emotions of regret, guilt, and shame.  In so doing, we will begin the process of “filling in the gap” by choosing to heal those things that keep us from moving forward, and bringing to light more of who we are designed to be as individual and unique souls.  Again, this is not to say that we do not honor those emotions as mentioned earlier, we are simply encouraged to be honest about having them and accepting them as part of our healing process by using them as a catalyst for changing the way we feel about ourselves, and therefore how we experience our lives moving forward.thCA6E4A2Q

So, where is this gap you might ask?  Simply put, the gap is that space between how we have been conditioned to be through the influences of our environment and the people therein.  This includes what we have been told about whom we are and any other perceived beliefs that have influenced our individual lives…through the love of well-meaning people.

 …AND what we absolutely know with an undeniable passion to be our own truth, but have been reluctant to proclaim for fear of not fitting in or any other apprehensions we may have.  The interesting thing is that we may not know what those things might be at first thought. However, when we learn to be still, listen intuitively, and feel the very essence of our being, we will come to know who we are through our feelings, emotions, perceptions, and so on.  We may even want to take a look back at our childhood and remember what we liked to do, where our passions lie, what we were drawn to, what we aspired to be when we grew up, and other significant considerations.  Considering all of these things will help us to recognize what truly is Authentic about our own individual nature and the deeper truth of who we are in our Oneness.  Having the courage to be our Authentic Self is highly essential in the greater scheme of things for it is through our embodiment of it that we gain a deeper sense of our own incredible aliveness, and able to fulfill our greater vision to live from within our own values and beliefs which not only serves our own well-being, but serves us all in Divine Consciousness.

Dancing AngelSo, what do we value?  What do we believe?  And how can those values and beliefs help us to fill in the gap of our own inner consciousness, and ultimately our physical manifestations?  What about our dreams?  Aspirations?  All of these things and more are integral parts in filling in the space within our consciousness that are still awaiting our response.

How do we fill this gap?  How we do it of course if a personal matter.  The invitation here is for us to gently observe without judgment how we relate to life within our environment which includes what we value, what our beliefs are, and the people we interact with to see if they are still in alignment with our own sensibilities as we currently understand them to be.  This is an area in which we may want to make any necessary changes and/or adjustments that resonate more readily with how we express ourselves today.  This is also the space in which we release and let go of the things that no longer serve us (always in the same love they were given) and allow ourselves to be receptive to the things that do honor the vision we hold for ourselves.  And we are encouraged to move through this natural process of growth with compassion for ourselves and those involved…along with a deep sense of gratitude for every experience.  This is what learning to live authentically is all about.

the-door_422_13737And it is throughout our magnificent journey that we are encouraged to understand that while we are invited to “fill in the gap”, it is within this same space that we are always moving in the direction of Divine Order in which there is no right or wrong. How so?  We are simply growing and outgrowing, releasing and receiving, open and receptive, and allowing life to flow naturally throughout our ever-evolving Authentic State of Love, Light and Divine Inspiration…that ultimate space in-between our Human Consciousness and our Higher Consciousness.    

So, are you ready to take the leap?  Are you ready to be more involved in co-creating (with Spirit) your own life knowing that when you rise up to the level of your Higher Consciousness, you raise the vibration of Love, Peace, Harmony, and the greater well-being of us all…in Divine Consciousness?  We walk together in this life, and are always encouraged to remember, that every one of us is always supported by a most Loving and Powerful Universe.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.  Namaste’.

Dr. Regina J. Dekker, Msc.D.



Dr. Regina J. Dekker, Msc.D.

Remembering the Soul’s Journey

thCA2B7706Through the guidance of our magnificent Soul, we are gently led into places beyond what we could ever imagine – we need only to listen, observe, and be open to the possibilities…

Our Soul is born of Spirit and at the very core of our multi-faceted being.  And it is through this radiant consciousness that we create our experiences through a process of remembering all that we are in our authentic nature.  And it is through this same radiant consciousness that we are always guided along our path whether we are aware of it or not.  Let us explore some of the many ways in which our Soul reveals to us who we truly are through the things that naturally unfold in our everyday experiences.

Let me begin by saying that our soulfulness was openly expressed when we were very young children because we were still unencumbered by all the things we have grown into through our personal experiences and environmental influences.

We need only to look at our young children to see the evidence of their amazing 57soulfulness.  The first thing we will notice is that while all children share similar traits especially within their families, they are uniquely different.  There is always something special that sets them apart from their siblings and other children.  We will witness how free they are in their personal expressions in what they say; what they like to wear, the colors they enjoy most, the people they feel most comfortable being around, how they use their creativity and imagination, what they gravitate towards in the way of art, music, and other activities, the wisdom they already possess, their zest for life, their openness, and so much more.

The truth from this perspective is that all of these things and more are still very much a part of who we are and expressed in some manner yet today.  While this may not be readily apparent, we may find that what we are doing right now in our chosen profession for instance, directly relates to what we enjoyed doing as a child.  And if we are not, we may be feeling unfulfilled and are in pursuit of what brings us joy.  The significance in both instances is that we were and are always guided by our Soul…again, whether we are aware of it or not.

When we feel unhappy or restlessness, it is our soul stirring within and guiding us to move into something that is more in alignment with itself as us.  This “stirring” is about change and moves us closer to remembering who we are.  Change is a natural part of our being…just like the changing seasons in Mother Nature.  The truth is we are no different from what we see out in nature, for we are not separate from it.  In fact, when we look closer, we will see the similarities in our transformations and growth patterns as those of trees, flowers, and every living thing.  What we will notice most of all, is that nothing can stop life from changing, growing, or transforming itself. Let us look at some of the ways in which nature continued to evolve…

calm-water-angel-fairyWhen one leaf falls from a tree, there will be others to replace it; A flower comes to full bloom when the bud is ready to open to expose its full beauty; The caterpillar changes into a magnificent butterfly; A tiny acorn grows into a mighty oak tree; weather conditions affect the growth of plants;  and so on.

So, what are we to glean from this?  As we are part of nature, we will also continue to change and evolve throughout our entire lives as well.  For example, we know that physically we grow from infancy into adulthood which is apparent through the changes that happens within and outside our bodies.  As for our emotional and mental states, we will continue to develop through every season of our experiences and what we learn through them, which incidentally affects our physical bodies as well.  It is important to accept that everything we have experienced thus far regardless of the circumstances has been a significant aspect our spiritual growth and the evolution of our beautiful Soul.

Spiritual-DoorSo, what are some of the others ways in which we are guided?  And how does it show up in our experiences today? Intuition is one of the ways our Soul most definitely speaks to us.  We receive inklings of information that resonate with us beyond what we may understand, yet know beyond reason.  For instance, have you ever had a feeling that compels you to call a family member or friend right away only to find out there was something very important they needed to tell you?  Have you ever found yourself going in a different direction than you may have planned with regards to a career or vocation, and found the perfect opportunity that feels like a dream come true?  The voice beyond reason is at work here…our intuitive voice.

How about our dreams?  Many clues are revealed through what we experience in our dreams because they hold nothing back, and provide us with honest answers to anything we may want or need to know.   It behooves us to pay close attention to them for they are indeed a powerful way in which we are guided to move forward during our waking hours.

Our Soul also can be felt and seen through the things we enjoy such as art, music, writing, and other hobbies and pastimes.  Believe it or not, there are significant messages within them.  For instance, what are we most focused on while engaging in these activities?  Pathways?  Beauty?  Light?  Flowers?  Animals?  Angels?  People?  Children?

How about the people that we gravitate toward and vice versa.  Are you surrounded psychesby, Teachers?  Artists?  Leaders? Writers? Healers?  Do you think there is something significant in these interactions?  This writer thinks so.  Remember, we attract into our lives who and what we are.

What about déjà vu?  Could this be a form of guidance for us to remember who we are?  Something to ponder is it not?  The very idea of feeling that we have experienced something before is intriguing at best even if we haven’t actually experienced it…or have we?  If nothing else, it could leave us feeling that there is much more to our life than we might imagine.

The Soul’s Journey is a beautiful unfolding of how our lives continue to evolve.  We may or may not remember everything about where we have been or where we are going, yet when we are open to all the possibilities, we will glean some insight into who we are at the deepest level of our authenticity.  We are simply encouraged to be aware and mindful along the way and recognize that we are more than what meets the eye…more than our physical being.  Remember, we are spiritual light beings having a human experience.  And as such, we have the innate power and the wisdom to look Beautiful-Angel-angels-8025041-1024-768beyond what we can ascertain through our humanity and learn to perceive life through the spiritual discernment of our higher self.  It is within and through our wholeness that we can perceive our Soul.  Being authentic is to know and accept all that we are in our wholeness…and living our lives from a realistic place of where we are in this important moment, and in balance with both our spiritual and physical nature. We have all come to the planet earth to do or learn something significant to our Soul’s Journey.

Again, listening and being observant is important if we are to uncover the truth of our own unique existence, as well as how we create harmony with other souls.  Everything we do affects everyone and everything else.  That is how life works.  The beauty is that whenever we look in the eyes of another, we see their shining soul looking back at us.  This is a beautiful exchange of energy because it gives us an inkling of how connected we really are, especially when there is an instant recognition of something profoundly familiar.  Whatever that resonance is, we are remembering something…

Overall, everything we experience serves to gently guide us into remembering more clearly the nature of our magnificent Soul and who we are through its divine expression.  And when we consciously allow ourselves to be in this natural flow of its guidance, we will take our journey even more profoundly into heightened levels of our divinity and bring to light extraordinary demonstrations of our inherent greatness.

There is so much more to learn along the way…perhaps you have other ideas as to how you are guided throughout your own life.  We are all in this life together, and it through our interactions with each other, that we begin to realize the significance of our own soulful journey and how it relates to the evolution of us all…in our Oneness.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.  Namaste’.

In Love, Light and Divine Inspiration,

Dr. Regina J. Dekker, Msc.D.





Dr. Regina J. Dekker, Msc.D.